When you type the goddamn word “Slavery” in Wikipedia, I want BLACK WOMEN to be added to that so-called trifling "list". I want BLACK WOMEN on that list to have a 15,000 paragraph entry where their experiences as BLACK WOMEN are stated and recognized. I want it to demonstrate to us that they, the fuck-able ones, were EXPLICITLY and LITERALLY a sexual organ of their oppressors. They were their vaginas. There is no question in our minds now that these women were OWNED, FUCKED, and LABORED. I need your consciousness to take a step further: these women were fucked like PROSTITUTES who are now in our porn or on the streets. They were the sexual property of white men. They were conquered. And what do we know about wars where one peoples will fight with another? They rape and pillage! How is this any different from white man maiming the black woman in our American History?
If you want to hear the true Cinderella story of black women in America, here it is:
Once upon a time, Linda Brent was a slave. She LIVED with her master, her pimp, her so-called lover. Let’s call him (a) John. Now, this John did not actually beat her. He had more in store for her than simply that. Instead, he psychologically hounded her with constant threats of violence, obscene accusations, and smears against her character. She stated in her memoir:
“My master met me at every turn, reminding me that I BELONGED to him and swearing by heaven and earth that I would SUBMIT to him. If I went out for a breath of fresh air, after a day of unwearied toil, his footsteps dogged me. If I knelt before my mother’s grave, his dark shadow fell on me there.”
Linda spent years being tormented by “her man”. Linda was one of the “lucky” ones though. In her mid-20s she attempted to escape, but failed. Instead, for 7 years, she lived secretly in a hole in the ground under a shed in her grandmother’s backyard. After those 7 years of being buried alive, she escaped to the North where she became an active abolitionist.
I deplore of you to ask yourself how this is different from the daily and persistent abuse and violence against women today? Not just now nor during “Slavery”, but throughout all of recorded history. Not just black women, but of every color of woman on the face of this earth, especially those who are sold through sex trafficking. What is trafficking, after all? It is SMUGGLING. It is distributing what should be ILLEGAL goods. It is the “tricking or luring of people away from their homeland to work under exploitative conditions elsewhere.” What is America then? It is a land where millions of people were trafficked in, exploited for their labor, and looked at (in the case of the black woman) as sexual objects, seen as a sexual appendage of the male. You see, women were once an appendage. We were once worth more to the male. We once, in the time of Adam, were a rib. No longer. Blacks have been turned into the whip, while now all us women have been turned into a vibrating Pussy Sleeve©. Women have been reduced to a literal object, no longer a part of the man, but a commodified, dead object to be sold on the Capitalist Market.
I am saying that black women during Slavery were being sold on the market like women who are prostituted by white men in America or Sweden or China or Africa.
Prospective slave buyers (pimps) looked over black woman to be purchased. These white slave owning men had to eye the merchandise before purchase. Black women were taken into rooms before purchase where her vagina was inspected to guarantee she was without defect so that she could be fucked. These women didn’t even have the so-called “honor” of being courted and contracted under marriage.
Control over her body was passed from white person to white person, along with a bill of sale.
White men in our American history had selective memories. Those so-called men of intellect and honor, raped, maimed, and killed the women in their homes, their plantations, farms.
The Plantation is just another forgotten home, shoved under the carpet by white men who wish for it to be forgotten. It is a clear example of the exploitation of human beings, of blacks and white women, in this country. Now, blacks have been able to break away, theoretically, from the home of the white man. Us white women, on the other hand, still glorify and strive to live under a roof with the white man, under contract. Marriage, to the white man, is a binding contract of sexual assess, after all. It is a degraded position of power, as the plantation home has demonstrated.
If this isn’t horrifying, then I don’t know what it.