Wednesday, March 7, 2012

January 5th 2011
Today my body will be dissected, surgically altered in order to amputate proliferating
polyps confined within my skull.


Anesthesia will burn through my veins.

forced unconsciousness.

We are slumbering away in unconscious space anyways so sleep away my baby.
Forget this world.

My “asthmatic” body will be infiltrated by weapons that treat symptoms,
but never perceive a cause.

unlinking its deathly blows from its own symptoms

sedated by its strings.
Numbing coercion so sweetly silent.

Dorm Construction work. Inescapable silent toxic chemicals pervading my lungs.

Can’t BREATH!! $21,000 Emergency Room now!
 Rx prescription drugs swallowed, snorted, shot up.
Antibiotics, Steroids, they tell me.  Take it, feel better.
Needles. Pinprick holes. Damaged flesh. Anosmia.*
X-Rays.  Pulsing radiation. Cancer.
Doctors prodding inflamed bodily flesh. Weekly.
Advair* triggering Heart Palpitations. Steroidal yeast infections.

Fuck this. No escape.
[Insert Suicidal Thought].


. . . but thoughts cling to me saying dont live, be seduced by sweet death, by postmodern meaninglessness.

Desiring Death, an enemy inside forcing its way out.

Russian Roulette. Pull Trigger. Squish!


Revolution must touch my lips, fingering me deep inside.

I scream, please keep me alive, keep me sane.
Red liquid antidote. Revolution. Hope.
Let’s turn this revolver the other way around this time.

Open my crusty, tear strained eyes. Headache.
Oh sweet baby please open your eyes.
No, open my eyes!

Capitalism is death, and it will always haunt you, call to you, ask for your number, sleep inside you.

We must pull the trigger but this time reverse whos victim.

Kill that mother fucker.

*Anosmia: The inability to perceive smells
*Advair: a black box drug used to prevent asthma

Original art done by me. 

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