Saturday, April 20, 2013

"All Your Gender Is Gender" and "Females First"

don't know what to think about all this... don't know if I agree on some weird level or if I should be seriously concerned... but here it is:

"Start from there, because it is true.
Your female body is not an identity.
Everything else is an identity and is socially constructed.
Feminism is a theory that puts Females (Women) at the center of the analysis.
Not Rich Women. Not Poor Women. Not Overweight Butch Dykes (I am trying to lose weight though, thanks for asking).
Not Women who identify as …
Your identity has “meaning” to you and to others because of society. And those meanings might not always “mean” the same thing to everyone in our society. And those meanings might “mean” something different 5 minutes from now.
Your body is not a social construct. Calling your Female body “something else” or naming it Butch or Dyke or Queer or Trans does not change your body.
Taking drugs to alter your chemistry does not change this.
Surgical interventions do not change this.
Your extremism does not change this.
Temper tantrums do not change this.
Demanding that Other Women recognize Certain Women as the True Representation of Women does not change this.
You are Female.
I am Female.
Women are Female.
What does Identity Politics do to liberate Women?
This is a serious question.
Identity politics does nothing to advance Women as a class.
If it makes you feel better to cling to your special identity, if it comforts you to make yourself feel like you are a better person because you are Working Class or Gay or Vegan or Butch, then you should do that. It’s not unreasonable to want comfort. It’s not unreasonable for you to be you.
You be you.
But your personal comfort does nothing to advance Women’s liberation. You being you is not a political strategy. You telling other Women they are not as good as you because you are X and they are Y is not politics; it’s “something else.”
You being you is you being you.
It’s also not unreasonable to want to affiliate with Women who are “like you.” But confusing your desire to affiliate with Lesbians or Vegan Women is not a liberatory strategy. You feeling “good about yourself” does not equal Women’s Liberation (although I think all Women – even “Man Daters” – should feel good about themselves). You advocating for the rights of a few Women and your right to be you does nothing for Women as a class. And your hurt feelings are also “not feminism.”
Your positioning of yourself amidst multiple identities won’t hide your body.
Female is not an identity.
Sorry about your feelings.
This isn’t “personal.” This isn’t about “your feelings.” It’s not even about “my feelings.”
You are not special (except to those who think you are). I, also, am not special. This is a class analysis.
And some Women might be bigger than others, but we are all Women.
Please don’t lose the plot because you think you are bigger than all of us."
"The last thing Females want to be called is “Feminist” – because that might mean “Man Hating.” That’s bad for Straight Ladies, because then someone might think them Lesbian.  Even though Lesbians don’t want to couple with Males, Lesbians are “supposed” to be socially available to them and not “Man Haters.” (I know I‘ve been called “Man Hater” before!) So heaven forfend if you’re Feminist!
Patriarchy socializes Females to distrust other Females. And we do. Females fall into other Identity Communities – away from – and often at odds with – each other. Goddess forbid Females actually used Feminism to advance rights for Females. What about the Males?
Because of our socialization, Females resist coming together, or even identifying, as aclass.  Accordingly, Females are the most dissolved, invisible ingredient in the Great American Melting Pot. We hear of White, Gay, Black, or Poor People.  When discussing Poor People, nobody asks whether they are Male or Females (even though – as a class – the Poor are Female and the Rich are Male). Only when discussing Females do concern trolls come calling to ensure you discuss PoorFemales, Brown Females, Vegan Females, Gay Females, (Fill In The Blank) Females. That’s no coincidence. Patriarchy places these filters in front of Females to prevent us from perceiving each other as members of the same oppressed class.  These obstacles destroy the need for further derails by Patriarchy because Females don’t talk to each other as members of the same class.  It divides Females.
Baltimore has no “Women’s Community.” We have the Choice Community, Domestic Violence Community, White Lesbian Community, Black Lesbian Community, and Peace Community, to name a few – but Females inhabiting these worlds don’t generally mix.  What would happen if Females talked to each other about whatconnects us – our Female-ness.
As a Lesbian, here’s a truth anathema to the Gay Community and one that does not reflect “the law.” Sexual orientation discrimination doesn’t exist. That’s right. Sexual orientation doesn’t exist anymore than “gender identity” discrimination exists. When I am treated badly because I “look Butch,” that’s sex discrimination. Heterosexual women lose promotions to less-qualified men because of sex discrimination.
Sex discrimination impacts Females.  All Females.  We might suffer in degrees, but the root is the same.  The root is our sex, and how society used and grooms Females.
Call it sexism or misogyny – sex discrimination is the air we breathe and the water we drink. It is so pervasive that Females (and Males) don’t see it. When we do see it, when all the filters are lifted, you might feel crazy. Your 20/20 vision will earn you contempt from the majority of Females (and Males) who ignore how much “being  Female” hurts.
Think about EVERY way in which “society” disadvantages Females. Laws dictate what we can do with our bodies.  We are sold a bill of goods on Femininity that makes us hate ourselves.  We must be Porn Sexy and Slutty. “Traditionally” Female occupations are low wage.
Once you’ve taken inventory, know, Females, that I love you. I don’t like to get mushy with you, but I feel like you need to know. Focus on Females. Yes, other forms of oppression exist. No doubt.
But what would happen if Females started to organize based on our Female-ness?  What if we organized around those agenda items that benefit Females?
We’d need to identify our agenda. Before we did that, we’d have to let go of whatever Identity to which we cling, as these Identities are obstacles to organizing as Females.  After that work, ask “what do Females need”?  Females have concerns related to pregnancy, childbirth and abortion because of biology.  Controlling our bodies is a key element of Female Liberation.  Females that have control over fertility have greater education, employment and political participation than Females who lack that control. Females must dictate our sexuality because sexuality has dire consequences for us.
I understand why Females do Identity Politics. It’s “easier” to localize the “problem” in a smaller Identity Group (wherein I might become a White Butch Dyke). But it doesnothing for Females. Your little Identity Group might be safe for you, but it’s not enough.
Females need each other. Females should prioritize the good of Females. Feminism provides a new lens through which to analyze What Females Need.  What would happen if all Females were Feminist?
Maybe we’d have an Equal Rights Amendment – “Equality of rights under the law shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any state on account of sex.” The Equal Rights Amendment still hasn’t been adopted. The U.S. Constitution does not explicitly protect and extend rights equally without regard to sex (except the Right to Vote).  Really.
Females, we could do this.  What if we got together in 2012 and realized how much Power we have?
Females – we’re worth it.
Friday, 30 December 2011"

1. Sex is biological sex. Male is the class of humans that can impregnate Females. Males cannot become pregnant. Female is the class of human that can become impregnated by a Male. Females cannot impregnate anyone. Your exceptions don’t disprove this rule about these two classes, so please spare me the “I’m an infertile woman” discussion. Infertile Women = Females. Infertile Women =\\= Males.
2. The fact that Sex exists says NOTHING about who Males or Females can be.
3. Gender is a social construct that places meaning and value onto the Male and the Female. In this placement of meaning and value, Females are ranked below Males. That is, Gender is a hierarchy, with Females on the bottom.
4. Lesbians and Gay Men are – by definition – “gender nonconforming” because we engage in same-sex relationships that are discouraged through a system of Gender that dictates who a Male and who a Female is supposed to love. Our gender nonconformity has real social costs.
5. Many Males and Females are ALSO “gender nonconforming,” whether or not we call ourselves “Transgender.” Our gender nonconformity has real social costs.
6. Transgender is Gender – it does not describe an actual class of humans. Transgender is also a social construct. Transgender as gender nonconformity also comes with social costs.
7. Transgender can only exist in a culture where Gender exists.


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